2010-11 Added MARC 21 / USMARC codes and mapping table.
2010-11 ISO 3166 codes with sameAs links to GeoNames, courtesy of Bernard Vatant (example).
2010-11 Character information now updated to Unicode 6.0.
2010-11 Term links to EuroVoc.
2010-09 Lexvo.org in new LOD cloud image.
2010-07 Blog post about how Lexvo.org adds a semiotic perspective to the LOD Web.
2010-07 New bookmarklets for simple lookups. Thanks to Bernard Vatant once again.
2010-06 New language hierarchy including ISO 639-5 language families. See references for further information.
2010-06 Links to RAMEAU subject headings. Thanks to Bernard Vatant.
2010-06 Links to WordNet 3.0 RDF representation created at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
2010-05 Preliminary versions of Ontology and Java API. Thanks to Bernard Vatant for countless suggestions!
2010-04 Updated Wiktionary translations and links to thesauri. New links to the LCSH thanks to Bernard Vatant!
2010-04 New ID format: Please use http://lexvo.org/id/...
, not http://www.lexvo.org/id/...
2010-04 Updated Wikipedia information, new Linguist List information and manually created WordNet links for languages
2009-12 The term query form now supports auto-completion for popular languages
2009-07 Term query form added to main page
2008-12 Downloads finally online, including greatly extended language information
2008-10 Lexvo.org is online! However, we are currently still in the beta testing phase!
2008-10 A Lexvo.org poster has been presented at the 7th International Semantic Web Conference.
Lexvo.org 2008-2016 Gerard de Melo. Contact Data Sources Legal Information / Imprint