We offer machine-readable RDF files with information about languages and other entities provided on Lexvo.org. Developers can choose between the traditional RDF/XML format vs. the simpler N-Triples format. The dump files can be downloaded and distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC-BY-SA) 3.0 Unported license:
Additionally, we provide tab-separated value (TSV) files providing mappings between ISO 639 standards and corresponding Lexvo.org language identifiers.
SPARQL access to the Lexvo.org data is currently only available via
OpenLink Software's LOD server http://lod.openlinksw.com/sparql
, which however sometimes may be slow to respond or even unreachable due to high demand.
If you need a faster server, it is quite easy to set up your own SPARQL server in just a few minutes using a lightweight triple store such as RedStore, Jena Fuseki, or BlazeGraph that can load the RDF dump linked above.
We have also created many other semantic datasets. These include:
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